Modularize Express Screencast by TJ Holowaychuk
They say hindsight is 20/20.
Mannnnnnnn!!! One of the great things about express is how liberal it is when it comes to structuring your app. Unfortunately, one of the worst things about express is how liberal it is when it comes to structuring your app.
After stumbling around this past week or so, nailing down the design of edibls has been tougher than I expected. I found a great screencast of how to modularize apps using express' app mounting feature.
Modular web applications with Node.js and Express
In a nutshell, you can design fragments of your app in tiny express() instances that handle their own routing, views, and module specific middleware.
I’m most likely going to set up a branch to refactor the edibls codebase. But I think the investment of a well designed app will pay itself later on.. however, buyers beware: analysis paralysis
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